First, I tell you about the reason why I entered English course. I have ever liked English when I started learning English. Through I went to New York and Australia, I wanted to learn English more. So I studied English in high school and I entered KGU. And KGU location is not so far. I usually go to KGU by motor bicycle. Rainy day, I go to by own car. But, I have to park in kengeki so I have to pay 400 yen! It's very expensive. I want KGU to make parking place.
Next, I tell you about English course. We learn English, of course, we learn psychology, biology, Japanese history and so on too. English class has four separate classes. Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking. And 1st grade has Grammar. In reading class, we read text and translate last year. This year, we read news paper! It is difficult. That's because if it is present form, I have to translate past form. Another, sometimes be verb are omission. I want to read news paper quickly some day. Listening class, we are watching movie. It likes mystery. But it is easy for me. Writing class, it is very difficult for me! Because a lot of home works! Everyday, I am typing typing typing..... But maybe I can write English well before last year. I try to write a lot of words. Speaking class, we talk each other something topics. Today's topic was "friends". I told about my friends who is messy, like drinking, has a pet and so on. I couldn't speak English quickly and couldn't recall English. So I want to speak well till this year. As you can see, we are very busy to study English.
Then, I tell you about my KGU a day life. I get up at 9:00 in the morning, and I eat breakfast. At 10:15, I go to KGU by my bicycle. I always have class from 2 period. In lunch time, I usually bring my lunch box or to go caffe terria. There are a lot of food in caffe terria. My favorite food is tantan men. It's sooo delicious. After lunch, I go to class again.
Third, I tel l you about eibei friends. They are very friendly. If I have some troubles, they talk to me. And I feel good. I have a trouble now, so I will talk them. Anyway, they are sooo friendly, so you can talk with them easily.
Finally, I tell you about free time. I usually go to liberally or barkley. I talk with friends or do my homework. But, when I am in liberally, I sometimes fall asleep. Recently, I study TOEIC test. It will take June 4. I have to study very hard. My goal is over 520!
As you can see, KGU's life is very good. So you can enjoy!
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